Daughter quotes | Quotes for daughters day

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Daughter Quotes | Daughters day quotes

Daughter, daughters day, daughter quotes, daughters day quotes, father-daughter quotes, mother-daughter quotes, daughters day quotes from mother, happy daughters day, quotes on daughters, I love my daughter quotes,


Daughters Day: Daughters Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in September. The observance began in India as a way to eliminate the stigma associated with giving birth to a daughter. In some parts of the world, male children have more value than female children. Daughters day is celebrated to promote equal value for both boy and girl children. Girls can be and should be educated and provided equal opportunities.


Fairy with green wings, Daughter quotes.


 Daughters are a symbol of love. Without them, a home is incomplete. She is one of the strongest pillars of a beautiful and happy home. Therefore, daughters deserve tremendous love, respect, and care from people around them. As a daughter, she is that the greatest support for her parents, Daughters always sacrifice many things for the benefit of the family. A daughter is an asset to the family, and always we see her sharing the responsibilities equally with the mother and father.


  All parents in the world love their kids more than anything else. Whether it is a son or a daughter, both are equally loved. Parents put equal efforts into their upbringing. no partiality in love, affection, and care.

Daughter Quotes:

  • “Angels are often disguised as daughters”
  • “A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.”


Girl drinking milk followed by cat, Daughter quotes.


  • “A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.”


Chrysanthemum flower, Daughter quotes.


“Hey, daughter,
I just want to tell you
I can’t imagine my life without you and I love you.”


Girl in pasture, Daughters.


  • “A daughter is a mother’s gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of herself.”


Girl with red dupatta draping, Daughter quotes.


  • “My daughter, You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.”


  • “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart.”


Little Girl holding flower bunch in hand, Daughter quotes.


  • “My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.” – Denise Van Outen


  • “In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes.”

Daughters day quotes:

  • “You are my angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself.” – Steve Maraboli
  • “Daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with beauty, and sometimes attract pests.”


  • “From a little girl so very small, how and when did you get so tall?” ― Karen Mortensen


Girl praying, Daughter quotes.


  • “A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to give.” – Laurel Atherton


  • “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl.”


Girl wearing orange frock, Daughter quotes.


  • “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – William Shakespeare


  • “I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.”


Girl picking shells on beach, Daughter quotes.


  • “I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.”


  • “My life may not be a fairy tale, but my daughter is my princess.”


Girl wearing flower crown, Daughter quotes.


  • “Since I’ve heard your first scream and saw your wonderful eyes, my heart has been stolen. And it was the prettiest thief I’ve ever seen.”

Father Daughter Quotes:


Girl sitting on fathers shoulder, Daughters quotes.


  • “Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.”


  • “The laugh of a daughter is the favourite symphony of a father.”


  • “A father holds his daughter’s hand for a short while, but he holds her heart forever.”


Girl holding little umbrella on fathers head, Daughter quotes.


  • “The best thing that a father can give to his daughter is his time.”


  • “I have never dreamt of having a better daughter than you. You made my life complete.”


  • “You’re always with me, like a handprint on my heart.”


Girl holding little umbrella on fathers head, Daughter quotes.


  • “Daughters are far more precious than jewels.”


  • “Angels are often disguised as daughters.”


  • “You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.” – E.E. Cummings


Father holding daughters hand, Daughter quotes.


Dad to daughter quotes:


Father and daughter playing in field, Daughter quotes.


  • “The dearest things I know are what you are.” – Oscar Hammerstein II


  • “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh


  • “A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous…full of beauty and forever beautiful…loving and caring and truly amazing.” – Deanna Beisser


Father Adoring his daughter, Daughters quotes.


  • “You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.”


  • “You are such a beautiful girl, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.”


  • “Find it within you to love exactly who you are and to know you’re capable, you’re loved and you’re beautiful. The world is a better place, because of you. You are unique because there is only ONE of you.” – Shantel VanSanten



Father and daughter on trekking trip, Daughters quotes.


Mother Daughter Quotes:


Girl closing mothers eyes, Daughter quotes


  • “My greatest blessings call me mom.”


  • “A daughter is a girl who eventually grows up to be her mom’s best friend.”


  • “My mother wanted me to be her wings, to fly as she never quite had the courage to do. I love her for that. I love the fact that she wanted to give birth to her own wings.” – Erica Jong


Girl carrying flowers basket, Daughter quotes.


  • “A daughter is God’s way of saying, ‘thought you could use a lifelong friend.’”


  • “Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother.”


  • “A mother is a daughter’s best friend.”


Mother and daughter sitting on grass, Daughter quotes.


  • “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.” – Catherine Pulsifer


  • “Happiness is mother and daughter time.”


  • “Always love your mother because you will never get another.”


Daughter quotes from Mother:


Girl with wall painting, Daughter quotes.


  • “The love between a mother and daughter is FOREVER.”


  • “A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer.”


  • “The best place to cry is on a mother’s arms.” – Jodi Picoult


Mother showing her daughter hot air balloons, Daughter quotes.


  • “Mother and daughter from the start, best friends forever from the heart.”


  • “As they get older, our daughters become more and more like us too.” – Amy Newmark


  • “Daughters are like flowers that fill the world with beauty.”


Mother and daughter sitting on bench, Daughter quotes.


  • “No one in this world can love a girl more than her mother.”


  • “Life is tough my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennet Henry


  • “What sunshine is to flowers, and tides are to the sea, is nowhere as important you’re being in my life is to me.” – C. Stellar


Pink rose flower bouquet, Daughter quotes.


  • “Thank you for being the answer to the prayer I hadn’t realized I asked for.” – Marisa Donnelly


  • “Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.” – Robert A. Heinlein
 In the end, all I want to say is that, raise your daughter as an all-rounder. So that she will be able to face any challenge in her life confidently and makes you proud.
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