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Diet tips for Autistic Child
Diet tips for Autistic Child: Diet autism, autistic diet, diet for autistic children, autism diet menu, what foods to avoid with autism?, diet for autism toddler, gluten-free diet for autism, special diet for autism.
All parents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) kids face this problem of having eating problems. Their selection of food depends on its smell, taste, color, texture, shape, and temperature, and touching food e.g it is rough, soft, or hard, etc. this kind of behavior may cause refusal of food, disruptive mealtime, behavior tantrum this affects not only on their physical health but also mental health. As a result kids with ASD struggle with physical and psychological development. and this struggle seems tantrum to us.
As a mother of an ASD kid, I have faced many eating challenges for my kid. Finally, he has overcome eating problems. He is able to eat different foods with interest like other normal kids. Eventually, I succeeded in my goal. But behind any success, lots of effort and struggles are there. Today I am sharing some tips for helping you to set up a diet for your kids, but every ASD kid is different from other kids. So please before trying anything with your kid please consult with your doctor. It’s my humble request to you.
Some studies show that the stomach is the second brain of the human body. the intestine or immune system health affects brain health.
People with ASD often may repeat behaviors or have narrow, restricted interests. These types of behavior can affect eating habits and food choices, which can lead to the following health concerns.
Limited food selection or strong food dislikes :
Someone with autism may be sensitive to the taste, smell, color, and texture of foods. They may limit or totally avoid some foods and even whole food groups. Dislikes may include strongly flavored foods, fruits, and vegetables or certain textures such as slippery or soft foods.
Not eating enough food. Kids with autism may have difficulty focusing on one task for an extended period of time. It may be hard for a child to sit down and eat a meal from start to finish.
Constipation :
This problem may be caused by a child’s limited food choices, low physical activity levels, or medications. It typically can be remedied by gradually increasing sources of dietary fiber, such as cereals and fruits, and vegetables, along with plenty of fluids and regular physical activity. I used raw Camel milk, which helped me overcome constipation.
Medication interactions :
Some stimulant medications used with autism can lower appetite. This can reduce the amount of food a child eats, which may affect growth. Other medications may increase appetite or affect the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. I used raw Camel milk and it helped me to overcome his constipation problems effectively If your child takes medication, ask your healthcare provider about possible side effects.
Caring for a child with ASD can be challenging on many levels, and healthful eating is no exception. For children with ASD, a nutritious, balanced eating plan can make a world of difference in their ability to learn, how they manage their emotions and how they process information. Because children with ASD often avoid certain foods or have restrictions on what they eat, as well as difficulty sitting through mealtimes, they may not be getting all the nutrients they need.
If you have a child with ASD, try these nutrition strategies.
Be Prepared for Pickiness :
Many parents find their child’s sensitivity to tastes, colors, smells, and textures the biggest barriers to a balanced eating plan. Getting your child to try new foods — especially those that are soft and slippery — may seem nearly impossible. You may find that your child avoids certain foods or even entire food groups. One of the easiest ways to approach sensory issues is to tackle them outside of the kitchen.
Have your child visit the supermarket with you to choose a new food. When you get home, research it together on the internet to learn about where it grows. Then, decide together how to prepare it. When you are done, don’t worry if your child doesn’t want to eat it. Simply becoming familiar with new foods in a low-pressure, positive way eventually can help your child become a more flexible eater.
Make Mealtimes Routine:
A child with ASD will have to work harder at mealtimes because a busy kitchen, bright lights, and even the way the furniture is arranged all are potential stressors. Making meals as predictable and routine as possible can help. Serving meals at the same time every day is one of the simplest ways to reduce stress. In addition, think about what concessions you can make for easier mealtimes. If your child is sensitive to lights, try dimming them or consider candlelight with adult supervision. Let your child pick a favorite food to include at every meal. Or, let your child choose a favorite seat at the table.
Seek Guidance for Special Diets:
You may have heard that gluten- or casein-free diet can improve symptoms of ASD. Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat and barley. Casein is a protein found in milk. Proponents of the diet believe people with autism have a “leaky gut,” or intestine, which allows parts of gluten and casein to seep into the bloodstream and affect the brain and central nervous system.
The belief is that this may lead to autism or magnify its symptoms. However, controlled scientific studies have not proven this to be true, so the research at this time does not support their use. Keep in mind that restrictive diets require careful planning to make sure your child’s nutrition needs are being met.
I used probiotics gums or kefir grain and it helped a lot to control the craving for sugar intake or balance between good and bad bacteria which helps digestion. Consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist before making any drastic changes to your child’s meal plan as there can be side effects and potential nutrient shortfalls when a gluten- or casein-free diet is self-prescribed.
Working With a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist:
Most children, with or without autism, can be choosy and particular about the foods they eat. A registered dietitian nutritionist can identify any nutritional risks based on how your child eats, answer your questions about the effectiveness and safety of nutrition therapies and supplements advertised for autism, and help guide your child on how to eat well and live healthfully.
Diet tips for Autistic Child